The Process In-Studio

with Sydney Walsh

Class Details


Sydney Walsh

Class Dates:

Wednesdays, 5 - 8:30pm Pacific Time


This is a weekly ongoing class that meets 4x per month, every month.

Ideal for:

Actors looking for a weekly hybrid workout (acting/auditioning/creating) in a consistent, long-term artistic practice.


$295 US/month for four classes per month. **There are no refunds, substitutes, transfers, audits or deferments for any classes.  (Cancellation Policy)


In person at The BGB Studio in LA.

THE PROCESS is all about making the time and the space and the community.

Your artistic process is your one-of-a-kind talent as an actor. In THE PROCESS we are dedicated to your TRUTH, every time. As an actor “in the work” - “in a process,” your truth, your voice, is your birthright and the ultimate joy of having talent. 

In THE PROCESS your talent is yours to grow and to share. Your talent allows you to make something living and breathing and dynamic, from the typewritten pages of a script… to writing and exploring something ORIGINAL from your own ARTISTIC VOICE.

In THE PROCESS, our work is all about taking the time to find the layers… the layers and layers in every scene, in every character, just like the layers inside of every human being. 

In THE PROCESS we carve out the time and space to have a creative process with  other artists… from the first impulse… to what happens when you dig deeper and allow yourself the time and the space to PLAY.

And you know what you're doing. You really do. As artists, sometimes all we really need is the time and the space and the community to find out more about what we already know how to do, so that we can actually do it. 

We can write it or find it, direct it or act it, we can do it all. So, let’s dive in and stay current. Let’s be ready for on-camera auditions- on zoom or in the room and for self-tapes, because “the readiness is all.”

We will journal our way, invent our way, collaborate our way, devise our way, and in all ways TAKE UP OUR BEAUTIFUL SPACE by making the time and the space be in process.

Because you have everything you need to be the artist that you are… Because you are literally THE WHOLE ENCHILADA.

This weekly ongoing class is led by the amazing BGB Master Teacher, Sydney Walsh. This hybrid class gets all of your creative impulses fired up so that you can approach all of your work with power, precision, freedom, and creative joy!

The Work...

Each week we mash it up-moving from scripted texts to original material- from acting to writing and directing to scene study to devising.

We make the time and the space to find the scene and the character, to keep going, to drill down, to make the script more personal, more specific and LIVED IN, so that you can bring your full self to the scene, the character, and the work… every time.

  1. Diving deep into audition preparation and then jumping into original work.
  2. Stepping into the challenge and big freedom of making self-tapes from scripted material and original text.
  3. Coming into PLAY - Developing scene work with partners in pursuit of collaborative play because “the play’s the thing.”
  4. Experiencing and practicing the joy of making something from nothing.

We are here, waiting for YOU.
And so is Casting, and Production, and that new little play down the street.
We are all waiting for you to bring yourself, where you are right now, in real time, every time, with your one- of- a-kind artistic PROCESS.

Your Teacher

Everything changes the moment you sign up!

Sign-Up Now

"I LOVE Sydney’s class. It is the best acting class I have ever taken. From the first day it has completely changed the way I approached my craft. I’m SO HAPPY I found Sydney and The BGB Studio."


"Sydney inspires actors by focusing in on what they have to bring to the material and freeing them up to make creative choices. She has razor focus and insight, a dedication and energy that will not cease until the actor and script are one. She creates an environment of generosity where people are inspired to play specific objectives and remain vulnerable; where there is trust and a sense of play. A television actor, an acting teacher, a developer of original material and a theatre director, she brings joy, wisdom, humility and humor to her art and to her fellow actors."

- Sally Smythe, Artistic Director, SOUTH PASADENA THEATER WORKSHOP

"Sydney Walsh is a dear friend and longtime collaborator. She is my sister in art and poetry. She has a gift for organizing the circle of the feast; welcoming newcomers to the banquet, getting old timers, like me, to eat and drink heartily, as if for the first time. She invites everyone within her circle to serve each other as a way of serving themselves. She is a hard working, ever curious and dedicated teacher, not to mention a fine, accomplished actress herself. One is lucky to be around her experience; one of strength and hope."

- Bernard White, KIDDING

"Sydney Walsh’s ability as a teacher to inspire is profound. Over the years she has lovingly pushed me to go deeper as an actor, writer, and director. She supports what is unique and special in each of her students and encourages them to fiercely bring those qualities into their work. Because of her many years as a working actor, she knows what you must bravely call forth from inside when auditioning and on set. Sydney imparts knowledge that will empower you in this business. Take her class, and I promise, you’ll feel galvanized!"

- Jackie Katzman, Creator/Exec Producer, STONE (PARAMOUNT TV)

"I’m so grateful to Sydney for inspiring me with her incredible belief and spirit. She’s dedicated, generous, and full of creativity in her ideas of where a scene and character can go. Thank you, Syd, for being the warmest of teachers. You’ve been a collaborator, a mentor, and above all, a true friend."

- Jessika Van, AWKWARD

"I’ve studied with a few coaches and teachers over the past few years, and I can honestly say that Sydney is for sure one of the best. Sydney is real, authentic, and so compassionate about ensuring her students push themselves and bring out the best they can offer."

- Kieran Roberts, UP COUNTRY

Being in class and community with @sydsource and my classmates is, hands down, the best part of my week. I'm off of class this month and miss it...can't wait to be back! But if anyone out there reading this is on the fence about BGB, I urge you to give it a try. It's changed everything for me. Being able to connect and respond as a human to another human in real-time, whether in person or on Zoom is everything. It's fulfilling and restorative, and coming off of isolation, it's the antidote to stagnation and fear. For me, being in class at BGB is an act of radical self-love. Sydney's the real deal and I always find something new as an actor and human under her guidance. ❤

- Sarah Sypniewski, Clown Car: A Love Story

This class is not an audition or employment opportunity and there is no suggestion or guarantee of an audition or employment as a result of taking this class.

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