Acting The Truth Online

with Steve Braun

Class Details


Steve Braun

Class Dates:

Tuesdays, 11am – 2:30pm Pacific time


This is a weekly ongoing class that meets 4x per month, every month on Zoom.

Ideal for:

Advanced actors looking for a deep, weekly workout in a consistent, long-term artistic practice.


$295 US/month for four classes per month. **There are no refunds, substitutes, transfers, audits or deferments for any classes.  (Cancellation Policy)


Online via Zoom

Find Your Power

Decision makers are moved by wild, bold, specific talent. And in order to sharpen your talent to the point of a champion you’re going to have to fuel your pursuit with passion. Acting The Truth is a weekly online intensive that ignites your work, explores your artistic depth, and keeps you ready for anything that’s required of a working actor.

Meisner-based acting training exercises, cold reading, and a bold community of actors keep your instrument as sharp as it needs to be to stay bold and book work. Whether you’re currently working or between jobs, this ongoing training is the way to stay in championship shape.  

‘Cause even if you’re not training, the actors you’re up against still are.

The work...

Meisner-based exercises train heightened awareness, deep presence, and emotional specificity so you dance on the edge of every moment.

Scene work and creative adjustments train artistic flexibility, the ability to take notes, making swift, bold choices, and coming to the kind of self-awareness that allows you to take command of your work.

“This class can’t be about me. I’m only as good as my ability to help you find the power to be great without me. My goal is to create and defend spaces in which you’re expected to push your own boundaries. And I do my best to do that with kindness and firmness. Sure, sometimes actors need a kick in the ass. But it can’t be about my ego. It has to be about your growth.” -Steve Braun

Your Teacher

Everything changes the moment you sign up!

Sign-Up Now

"Class with Steve Braun is like finding out how to truly just BE. And it's from that spot that you feel comfortable enough to take risks and speak lines from the heart; it's how beautiful acting comes out naturally! This technique has helped me in life as well as in my ability to be a more truthful actor. Thank you Steve!"

- Aisha Alfa, DEGRASSI

"Effective. Generous. Ingenious. Thanks to Steve my work is deeper, more expansive and powerfully authentic. He creates a space in class that encourages and ignites explosive truth, possibility and heart."

- Toni Christopher, 20TH CENTURY WOMEN

"Studying with Steve has brought me so much confidence, not only as an actor but as a human being as well. Through his guidance I'm connecting with others on a deeper level and bringing a clearer specificity in regards to my emotions and wants. He's helped me to clear the murkiness, doubt, and noise from my head, making room to really get to the heart of the work. Working with Steve has been invaluable to me and I'm so very grateful for him."

- Julianne Dowler, THE BEFORE TIME

"Steve's class has helped me develop and acknowledge the knife edge emotional responses that represent the truth of each moment in both acting and life. This work never gets boring. It is truly magical."

- Adrian Neblett, SUPERNATURAL

"Taking class with Steve is an empowering experience. Steve brings with him insight, patience, and the uncanny ability to know when to push, and when to lay back. But what's more impressive about working with Steve is what he DOESN'T bring. He never shows up with ego, or an agenda and never makes you feel like the class is about him. It's really like watching a martial arts instructor... he makes small adjustments, re-aligns you, but always makes you acutely aware that your journey can only be walked by you. What I find unique about Steve is it's so clear that he isn't interested in keeping you dependent on him as a crutch. He is interested in making YOU your most powerful ally. If you couldn't tell, I can't say enough about Steve. He has changed my life, my career and my emotional well being."

- Jeff Schine, THE 12TH STEP

"It may sound dramatic, but Steve's class truly changed my life. It did so, because it changed my career. Steve's class, like BGB as a whole, focuses on the creative work in the room without ignoring the issues the ‘Industry’ presents to actors. In the room Steve has an inherent ability to empower each actor. I have never felt more confident, more unique, and more capable of finding the truth in my work. And in a practical sense I have been booking about three times as much over the past year with Steve than my previous 3 years in LA!"

- Michael Scott Allen, THE MINDY PROJECT

This class is not an audition or employment opportunity and there is no suggestion or guarantee of an audition or employment as a result of taking this class.

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